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Fall 2001 Symposium: Microfluidics and RF MEMS

Kossiakoff Conference Center

JHU Applied Physics Labs, Fall 2001, 16 November 2001

The MEMS Alliance Fall Workshop on Microfluidics and RF MEMS was held at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s Kossiakoff Conference Center on November 16, 2001. Two invited speakers were featured for the morning session on Microfluidics: Dr. Dave Beebe (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Dr. Laurie Locascio (NIST). The afternoon featured 3 invited speakers on the subject of RF MEMS: Dr. David Nagel (GWU), Dr. Gary Fedder (CMU), and Dr. Katia Grenier (Agere).

The workshop was organized by Ms. Ann Darrin from JHU Applied Physics Labs, Dr. Mitra Dutta, NASA GSFC, Prof. Reza Ghodssi, University of Maryland, and Dr. Michael Gaitan, NIST. A total of 134 people attended the workshop from local and other regional industries, research and educational institutions.

The next MEMS Alliance Workshop will be held on April 12, 2002 on the subjects of MOEMS and reliability.