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Spring 2001 Workshop: Fabrication

Kossiakoff Conference Center

JHU Applied Physics Labs, Spring 2001, 6 April 2001

The MEMS Fabrication Workshop was held at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s Kossiakoff Conference Center on April 6, 2001. The focus of the workshop was on research activities and fabrication facilities from institutions located around the Washington/Baltimore metropolitan area. Speakers from the local area included Dr. Mary Li, NASA GSFC, Prof. Elisabeth Smela, University of Maryland, Dr. Michael Gaitan, NIST, Profs. Makarand Paranjape and John Currie, Georgetown University, Dr. John Champion, JHU Applied Physics Labs., Mr. Brett Piekarski, Army Research Labs., Dr. Ken Sleger, NRL, and Prof. Mona Zaghloul, George Washington University. An underlying theme of the workshop was a discussion on creating a local area MEMS fabrication network that would facilitate hands-on access to fabrication equipment.

There were two invited talks in addition to the talks from the local institutions. In the morning session, Professor Mark Allen from Georgia Institute of Technology gave an overview on the subject of MEMS and included specific examples of research at Georgia Tech including applications for micro-scale magnetics. In the afternoon, Dr. Jim Allen from Sandia National Laboratories gave a talk on the MEMS activities at Sandia and included examples of MEMS devices that are manufactured in Sandia’s SUMMiT Process.

The workshop was organized by Ms. Ann Darrin from JHU Applied Physics Labs, Dr. Mitra Dutta, NASA GSFC, Prof. Reza Ghodssi, University of Maryland, and Dr. Michael Gaitan, NIST. A total of 134 people attended the workshop from local and other regional industries, research and educational institutions.

The next MEMS Alliance Workshop will be held in Fall 2001.