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Spring 2014 Symposium: From Lab to Life: Field Based Applications of MEMS & NEMS

umdmamna M-CERSI



Date: Monday March 10, 2014

Location: University of Maryland BioPark, Baltimore, MD

Technical Cosponsor: Northern Virginia/Washington Chapter of IEEE Nanotechnology Council

The annual Spring MAMNA Symposium is an IEEE-archived, broad-based technical conference in the area of micro & nanotechnology. The Symposium is the premier opportunity for researchers and developers in the Mid-Atlantic region to present their latest results, to network, to cross disciplinary boundaries, and to learn new skills. This year the FDA is providing support to allow an emphasis on education and exchange on the regulatory pathway for micro and nano devices seeking FDA approval for use in a medical device.

For the technical presentation portion of the conference, we are calling for papers on all aspects of MEMS and NEMS- fundamental and modeling papers, novel devices, and applications. Authors of selected abstracts will also be invited to submit 2-4 page full papers for the archival proceedings. (Authors who would only like to present the poster and not be considered for the proceedings may also indicate this preference with abstract submission).


  • Feb 24, 2014 Proceedings Papers due
  • Feb 27, 2014 Abstracts due for posters (without papers in proceedings)
  • March 3, 2014 Conference date


0900-0945 Conference Plenary I: New micro/nanosystems technologies for field deployment
0945-1000 Break
1000-1130 FDA Regulatory Process Tutorial MEMS/NEMS Platform Session (invited and contributed talks) Point-of-Care Diagnostic Platform Session (invited and contributed talks)
1130-1145 Break
1145-1230 Conference Plenary II: Regulatory perspectives on emerging micro/nanosystems for field deployment
1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1430 Human Factors Engineering Tutorial Poster Session
1430-1500 Poster Session Continued
1500-1700 Career & Networking Session


Contributor Information

We are calling for papers on all aspects of MEMS and NEMS- fundamental and modeling papers, novel devices, and applications. Individuals wishing to present either a poster or a podium talk must submit a 1-2 page (including figures) extended abstract. Authors of selected abstracts will also be invited to submit 2-4 page full papers for the proceedings. (Authors who would only like to present the poster and not be considered for the proceedings may also indicate this preference with abstract submission). There will also be four student poster prizes of $50 each awarded at the conference (2 for undergraduate and 2 for graduate posters). Non-students are also encouraged to submit contributions, although they are not be eligible for the poster prizes.


Pricing Information

Rate Type Early Bird
before January 10
Jan 11 - Mar. 3


$50 $50

Regular Attendee

$100 $150

Regular Attendee - IEEE member

$90 $135

Regular Attendee - FDA Employee


Career and Networking Session Information

The career and networking session is ideal for companies, organizations, and employers who are seeking talented members of the MAMNA community for opportunities in the micro and nanotechnology fields. If your company or organization would like to have a table at the Career and Networking session please click the button below. The cost is $150 and includes two registrations for staffing your table.

UMD BioPark Visitor Information

University of Maryland BioPark 801 West Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21201

Parking is available onsite, the address to the garage is: 1 North Poppleton Street Baltimore, MD 21201

The Biopark is also a short cab ride from Baltimore Penn Station (Amtrak).
