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Spring 2015 Workshop: Low-Budget, High-Payoff: Techniques/Resources for Innovative Micro/Nano R&D



Date: April 6, 2015

Location: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Kossiakoff Center

Laurel, Maryland

Workshop Description

The recent surge of advances in the fields of micro- and nano-electromechanical systems has gone in multiple directions. The DIY movement is encouraging new devices and methods that most people can can access with a modicum of investment and know-how. The focus of the workshop will be twofold, first we will present new methods and technologies in the fields of personalized medicine, and second we will review techniques for conducting innovative research without the need for significant capital investment.

Personalized medicine has already arrived in some places. For example, many dentists’ offices are equipped with systems designed for producing high quality orthodontic appliances in an office environment. At the even smaller level, companies provide commercially-available 3-D printers with a resolution in the 10 micrometer range and are promising sub-micron resolution soon. With the current emphasis toward individualized medicine and the infinite possibilities of nanomaterials, it is important to better understand the possibilities afforded by creating multi-scale devices comprised of micro- and nano-structures.

Just as 3-d printing has opened the door to quickly and affordably fabricate novel devices, new research methods have been developed to conduct innovative work without the need for significant investment. These new methods range from techniques for the fabrication of nano-wires to new open facility initiatives which give access to lab space and capital equipment. It is now more then ever possible for researchers to expand the scope of their work without the need for significant funding.


  • 3/16 - Abstracts due for oral presentations
  • 3/23 - Notice of acceptance
  • 4/3 - Poster abstracts due


Dr. Subhas Malgham
Deputy Director
Office of Science and Eng Lab, Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Food and Drug Administration

Professor Ahmed A. Busnaina
William Lincoln Smith Professor and Director
The NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center for High-rate
Nanomanufacturing (NSEC) and the NSF Center for Microcontamination Control

Danny Cabrera
CEO BioBots

Matthew A. Di Prima
Materials Scientist
Office of Science and Eng Lab, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Division of Applied Mechanics
Food and Drug Administration

Professor David H. Gracias
Professor and Russel Croft Faculty Scholar,
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the Institute for Nanobiotechnology
The Johns Hopkins University

Larry R. Holmes, Jr.
PI: Materials and Technology Development for Additive Manufacturing
Micro Compositronics and Rapid Operations (MiCRO) Lab
US Army Research Laboratory

Kenneth Philips PhD
Regulatory Research Scientist
LCDR, U.S. Public Health Service
Food and Drug Administration

Mario Urdaneta, Ph.D.
Staff Engineer, Weinberg Medical Physics
Lead Engineer and founder, Additive Electromagnetics


Schedule Event
9:00 to 9:45 am Registration
9:45 to 10:00 Welcome
10:00 to 10:45 Plenary Talk I
Dr. Subhas Malgham
10:45 to 11:00 Break
11:00 to 12:00 Breakout Sessions I
-Medical Device focus
-MEMS/NEMS focus
12:00 to 1:30 Lunch and Poster Session/Networking
1:30 - 2:30 Breakout Sessions II
-Bio NEMS/MEMS focus
-Additive Manufacturing focus
2:30 to 2:45 Break
2:45 - 3:30 Plenary Talk II
Professor Ahmed Busnaina
3:30 - 4:15 Poster Session/Networking
4:15 Poster Prize Announcement

Contributor Information

All attendees are encouraged to present at the workshop. Students will have the opportunity to submit a 1 page (text and figures) abstract for consideration for an oral presentation, due by March 16th. Abstracts for poster presenters are 1 paragraph, due by April 3rd. There will also be four student poster prizes of $50 each awarded at the conference (2 for undergraduate and 2 for graduate posters). Non-students are also encouraged to submit contributions, although they are not be eligible for the poster prizes.

Pricing Information

Rate Type Early Bird
before March 10
March 11 - April 6

Student with Poster

$50 $50


$60 $60

Regular Attendee with Poster

$90 $140

Regular Attendee

$100 $150

Regular Attendee - FDA Employee


Networking Session Information

The networking session is ideal for companies, organizations, and employers who are seeking talented members of the MAMNA community for opportunities in the micro and nanotechnology fields. If your company or organization would like to have a table at the Career and Networking session please click the button below. The cost is $150 and includes two registrations for staffing your table.

John’s Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Information

11100 Johns Hopkins Rd Laurel, MD 20723

Free Parking is available onsite: Use the Pond Road entrance
